This sauna with wooden cladding, silence and radiant heat has a beneficial effect on the human psyche, on the relaxation of tired muscles and endorphins, which will provide relaxation even before stress and on the stressed brain. The sauna provides general circulation of the body, the necessary relaxation and rest.
A cooling tub and an ice bucket were added to the Finnish sauna.
Temperature: 90 – 105 ˚C
improving blood circulation in the body and muscle mobility,
expansion of sweat glands and flushing out impurities from the body and skin,
prevention of colds,
suitable for chronic inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract, sexual and urinary organs, locomotor system, cardiovascular system, functional circulatory disorders, suitable for insomnia and allergic conditions.
all acute medical conditions,
increased activity of the thyroid gland,
bleeding diseases and conditions after inflammation of the veins,
infectious diseases,
high blood pressure,
febrile conditions,
cancer diseases,
condition after heart attack and stroke,
Recommendation: the maximum recommended stay in the sauna is 20 minutes for a healthy person. The repetition of the procedure and its length must be considered according to the sensations during the sauna.
Sauna bathing in an infrared sauna is based on the principle of infrared radiation with special ceramic emitters. Infrared radiation warms the body deep into the muscle tissue, and intense sweating occurs already at around 50 °C in an environment that does not burden the organism. During your entire stay in the cabin, you breathe air with a temperature of about 20 to 55 °C, because 80-90% of the radiated heat is absorbed by your body, the rest is dispersed into the cabin space. This is the difference between a classic sauna and an infrared sauna.
Temperature: 50-55 ˚C
increases tissue extensibility,
immediately reduces the stiffness of the limbs, joints and spine,
reduces muscle tension,
relieves pain,
stimulates blood circulation, improves skin circulation,
works in the treatment of morbid inflammatory processes of the skin,
suitable supplement for weight reduction (burns up to 600 kcal in 30 min.),
deep overheating and sweating helps in removing cellulite,
stimulates the immune system and eliminates infections,
part of the preparation of athletes before and after the load,
effective relaxation and regeneration of the body.
Sauna procedure in the infrared cabin:
Before entering the infrared cabin, it is recommended to drink about 2 dcl of liquid. Take a shower and dry yourself. Sit down after entering the cabin. When sitting, infrared rays affect the entire organism. It is advisable to use 2-3 towels (1 piece for the floor, 1 piece for sitting and the third to wipe sweat). The recommended sauna time for the sweating effect is approx. 20-35 min., according to individual physical disposition. After the sauna, take a short shower with lukewarm water, or treat yourself to a water massage for about 3-5 minutes. Do not use cold water so that the muscles do not react with spasmodic stiffness. Do not use soap when showering, it could damage the PH of the skin. At the end, approx. 5-10 min. relax in a tarp or bathrobe.
acute diseases,
oncological diseases,
signs of bleeding
people with pacemakers,
people with silicone implants, artificial joints and other surgical implants,
Recommendation: Water helps the infrared thermal radiation to work, so drink before and after the sauna. A bath or shower before overheating will promote greater sweat production. The recommended length of stay in the sauna is 20 minutes for a healthy person.
Transport yourself to the atmosphere of the ancient Roman baths and let the pure steam work freely on the skin of your entire body. In no other environment will you find such effective opening of pores and promotion of sweating.
Temperature: 45-50 ˚C
Significant excretion of metabolites and toxic substances from blood and fat tissue through sweat glands. It helps with respiratory diseases, weakening of blood vessels, has anti-inflammatory effects, relieves nervousness.
infectious diseases, purulent skin diseases, molds, bleeding conditions,
acute febrile illnesses,
high blood pressure,
malignant tumors,
conditions after deep thrombosis.
Recommendation: The recommended length of stay in the sauna is 15 minutes.
One of the most effective methods of aromatherapy is inhalation. By inhaling, the brain triggers various reactions and subsequent healing processes with a long-term effect. The inhaled scent reaches the lungs and from there it acts on the body through other mechanisms.
Temperature: 45 – 5o ˚C
benefits the skin of the body, moisturizes it and pleasantly overheats the body,
fragrances affect different parts of the body, most often and with the greatest effect on the respiratory tract.
Recommendation: breathe through your nose, shallow at first, then deepen your breaths.
The recommended length of stay in the sauna is 15 minutes.
Temperature: 45-50 ˚C
Significant excretion of metabolites and toxic substances from blood and fat tissue through sweat glands. It helps with respiratory diseases, weakening of blood vessels, has anti-inflammatory effects, relieves nervousness.
infectious diseases, purulent skin diseases, molds, bleeding conditions,
acute febrile illnesses,
high blood pressure,
malignant tumors,
conditions after deep thrombosis.
Recommendation: The recommended length of stay in the sauna is 15 minutes.
Temperature: 50-55 ˚C
increases tissue extensibility,
immediately reduces the stiffness of the limbs, joints and spine,
reduces muscle tension,
relieves pain,
stimulates blood circulation, improves skin circulation,
works in the treatment of morbid inflammatory processes of the skin,
suitable supplement for weight reduction (burns up to 600 kcal in 30 min.),
deep overheating and sweating helps in removing cellulite,
stimulates the immune system and eliminates infections,
part of the preparation of athletes before and after the load,
effective relaxation and regeneration of the body.
Salt inhalation is intended for people who often suffer from diseases of the nasopharyngeal system, often have problems with colds and want to increase their body’s immunity. The atmosphere during salt inhalation is saturated with a high concentration of steam into which a clean, sterilized and non-irritating saline solution of salt and special minerals is injected.
Temperature: 40-45 ˚C
suitable for allergies, colds and all respiratory diseases,
has beneficial effects on the skin – ensures its natural peeling and overall blood circulation,
helps with rheumatic problems,
has a beneficial effect on the overall detoxification of the body.
Recommendation: Recommended length of stay 10-15 minutes.
This sauna, which is characterized by high humidity, will clear your airways. It is applied in various herbal versions (e.g. eucalyptus), which have a beneficial effect on relaxing the muscles and the musculoskeletal system. Temperature: 40-45 ˚C
strengthens the immune system,
regenerates the skin,
creates an increased amount of oxygen and nutrients for cells,
mentally relaxes and relieves stress,
significantly relaxes the respiratory tract and is indispensable for allergies and colds.
infectious diseases, purulent skin diseases, molds, bleeding conditions, acute febrile diseases, high blood pressure, malignant tumors, epilepsy, pregnancy, conditions after deep thrombosis.
Recommendation: For strong aromatherapy effects of eucalyptus, we recommend a 10-minute inhalation.
Temperature: 40-45 ˚C
suitable for allergies, colds and all respiratory diseases,
has beneficial effects on the skin – ensures its natural peeling and overall blood circulation,
helps with rheumatic problems,
has a beneficial effect on the overall detoxification of the body.
Recommendation: Recommended length of stay 10-15 minutes
The secret to healing by staying in a salt cave is simple. The air in it is permeated with salt and the amount of minerals and trace elements contained in it. By staying in such a cave, all these components are absorbed into the body, which are necessary for its proper functioning. This brings the body back into balance and begins to heal.
Temperature: 20-22 ˚C
inhalation has a beneficial effect on the entire nervous system,
helps treat skin diseases /psoriasis/ and respiratory diseases /asthma/.
purulent skin diseases, fungi, infectious diseases, open wounds.
Recommendation: The recommended length of stay in the salt cave is 45 minutes.
Temperature: 40-45 ˚C
strengthens the immune system,
regenerates the skin,
creates an increased amount of oxygen and nutrients for cells,
mentally relaxes and relieves stress,
significantly relaxes the respiratory tract and is indispensable for allergies and colds.
infectious diseases, purulent skin diseases, molds, bleeding conditions, acute febrile diseases, high blood pressure, malignant tumors, epilepsy, pregnancy, conditions after deep thrombosis.
Recommendation: For strong aromatherapy effects of eucalyptus, we recommend a 10-minute inhalation.
Temperature: 40-45 ˚C
suitable for allergies, colds and all respiratory diseases,
has beneficial effects on the skin – ensures its natural peeling and overall blood circulation,
helps with rheumatic problems,
has a beneficial effect on the overall detoxification of the body.
Recommendation: Recommended length of stay 10-15 minutes.
This relaxation area with heated seats will kick-start and strengthen your immunity. By gradually warming up to a pleasant temperature of 37 ˚C, the entire body is gently overheated. The tepidarium is also suitable for people with cardiovascular problems or for people who prefer a less warm environment. It is suitable at the beginning of the sauna.
Recommendation: Attune your senses to rest and relax. A suitable relaxation time in the tepidarium is up to 30 minutes.
Temperature: 20-22 ˚C
inhalation has a beneficial effect on the entire nervous system,
helps treat skin diseases /psoriasis/ and respiratory diseases /asthma/.
purulent skin diseases, fungi, infectious diseases, open wounds.
Recommendation: The recommended length of stay in the salt cave is 45 minutes.
Temperature: 40-45 ˚C
strengthens the immune system,
regenerates the skin,
creates an increased amount of oxygen and nutrients for cells,
mentally relaxes and relieves stress,
significantly relaxes the respiratory tract and is indispensable for allergies and colds.
infectious diseases, purulent skin diseases, molds, bleeding conditions, acute febrile diseases, high blood pressure, malignant tumors, epilepsy, pregnancy, conditions after deep thrombosis.
Recommendation: For strong aromatherapy effects of eucalyptus, we recommend a 10-minute inhalation.
Temperature: 40-45 ˚C
suitable for allergies, colds and all respiratory diseases,
has beneficial effects on the skin – ensures its natural peeling and overall blood circulation,
helps with rheumatic problems,
has a beneficial effect on the overall detoxification of the body.
Recommendation: Recommended length of stay 10-15 minutes.
Masáž vírivou vodou s celkovou celotelovou aplikáciou, voda má stálu teplotu 35-37 ˚C. Vodná masáž prebieha vo vírivej vani pre dve osoby s tryskami rôznej veľkosti a rôznej sily prúdu. Prispieva k zlepšeniu prekrvenia končatín, aktivuje kožné receptory, uvoľňuje svalovú a kĺbovú stuhnutosť. Má teda liečebný, relaxačný a regeneračný účinok.
Odporúčanie: Odporúčaná doba strávená vo vírivom kúpeli je 15-30 minút.
K fínskej saune pribudla ochladzovacia kaďa a ľadové vedro.
Teplota: 90 – 105 ˚C
Odporúčanie: maximálny odporúčaný pobyt v saune je pre zdravého človeka 20 minút. Opakovanie procedúry a jej dĺžku je potrebné zvážiť podľa pocitov pri saunovaní.
Intenzívny prúd padajúcej vody ošľahá Vaše telo ľadovo studenou vodou, ktorá príjemne osvieži telo i ducha. Použitie studenej vody má povzbudzujúce účinky. Pomáha pri znižovaní známok zápalu, ako je bolesť a opuch v akútnych fázach zranenia.Indikácie:
Odporúčanie: Odporúčaná doba strávená vo vírivom kúpeli je 15-30 minút.
K fínskej saune pribudla ochladzovacia kaďa a ľadové vedro.
Teplota: 90 – 105 ˚C
Odporúčanie: maximálny odporúčaný pobyt v saune je pre zdravého človeka 20 minút. Opakovanie procedúry a jej dĺžku je potrebné zvážiť podľa pocitov pri saunovaní.
Ochladiť sa kúskami ľadu po východe zo sauny je tradičná metóda ako si upevniť zdravie a naštartovať organizmus na úspešné zdolávanie každodenných výziev.
Odporúčanie: Odporúčaná doba strávená vo vírivom kúpeli je 15-30 minút.
K fínskej saune pribudla ochladzovacia kaďa a ľadové vedro.
Teplota: 90 – 105 ˚C
Odporúčanie: maximálny odporúčaný pobyt v saune je pre zdravého človeka 20 minút. Opakovanie procedúry a jej dĺžku je potrebné zvážiť podľa pocitov pri saunovaní.
Kneippov šliapací kúpeľ je kúpeľom pre Vaše nohy. Tento striedavý kúpeľ v studenej a teplej vode – je balzamom na unavené dolné končatiny. Základom preň sú vaničky-bazéniky, s hĺbkou vody 30 cm a s teplotami 9-14˚C a 35-38 ˚C.
Slúži na osvieženie tela zvnútra, doplnenie stratených tekutín a navodenie pocitu tepelnej rovnováhy organizmu. Dopĺňanie tekutín počas saunovania je nevyhnutné!
Intenzívny prúd teplej vody pôsobí na Vaše telo ako blahodarný dážd, ktorý Vás príjemne očistí a povzbudí do objavovania nových zákutí v sauna paradise. Horúca voda pomáha pri zlepšovaní obehu, pri odstraňovaní odpadových látok z telesných tkanív, je užitočná pri chronickej bolesti, dá sa použiť ako skvelé sedatívum. Nič človeka neupokojí tak, ako teplý vodný kúpeľ, v ktorom sa organizmus zrelaxuje a aj extrémne nervózny človek pokojne zaspí.
Penzión u Michala Ing. Michal Borsík Pribišské 657 027 32 Zuberec
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